5 Things I Learned as a Door-to-Door Salesperson
The experience was surreal and taught me a lot about the world, in the way that only personal experience in a difficult task can.
Trapping Grouse for Science and Money
“Amble like a cow!” Brian the PhD candidate called from across the ridge.
I Was a Haunted House Zombie Girl
I was no longer the girl who was always scared; instead, I was the girl who could scare.
Read This Before Your Next Job Interview
Ask a Manager just posted a complete guide to job interviewing.
Throwback Thursday: Confessions of a Wedding Singer
When I first joined the band, I was a little embarrassed telling people about my new gig.
On Art and Employment
The next installment in Carolita Johnson’s “A Woman’s Work” series is up at Longreads.
How to Get a Corporate Job
It’s not hard to get a job at a major company’s corporate headquarters, especially if you treat it like a goal.
On Delivering for Amazon Flex
Today’s must-read essay comes from Alana Semuels, at The Atlantic.
I Deliberately Took a Lower-Paying Job. Here’s How It’s Working Out.
I knew I was going to resign; it was merely a matter of when and how.
I Saved $40,000 in Two Blue Collar Years
I would work and save for two years, from the end of April 2015 to the beginning of May 2017. The goal was to save at least $40,000 dollars, which I would then use to start a business.
I Quit Halfway Through Training at a Debt Collection Agency, and I Don’t Regret It
The company seemed to be doing everything it could to help you forget what your job was.
My Nine Months as an Uber Customer Service Rep
What I remember most are the funny stories from disgruntled riders.
Shit Work
I have a theory that the easiest litmus test for privilege is how much contact someone’s had with poop that isn’t their own.
The Weekend I Spent as the Worst Booth Babe Ever
It took me a few minutes to find the man I was working for, and as soon as he saw me I knew that I was a disappointment.