Call for Pitches: Food

Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash.
It’s time for another Billfold call for pitches — and this time, the theme is FOOD.
That’s a really broad theme, so let me make it a little more specific: I’m looking for posts about personal experiences with budgeting, grocery shopping, meal planning, learning how to cook, bringing lunch to work, etc.
I’m also looking for stories that might go against typical personal finance wisdom: are you financially better off because you go to lunch with your coworkers every day? Did you order weeks of takeout while completing a big project that got you a promotion or launched your side hustle? Did you eat avocado toast AND BUY A HOME?
I am not looking for evergreen lists of tips or advice for other people, so please don’t pitch me “7 Ways to Reduce Your Food Budget.” There are a lot of other sites that would love that piece, so pitch them!
Send your pitches to, and get ’em in before May 1. We pay $40 per piece and can accept roughly 15 pieces. I look forward to reading your pitches!
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