Tuesday Check-In

It’s Tuesday, which means it’s time to check in on our long weekend spending.

Last Friday, I estimated that I would spend 45 cents printing my chorale membership contract, $62.50 on prorated chorale dues, $10 on chorale jewelry rental, and $30 on a used chorale concert outfit.

I spent 45 cents on the printing.

I spent $10 on the jewelry rental.

The dues turned out to be prorated at a different rate than I had anticipated, so I only owed $52.50 in dues.

And, although I swear the email I received said the used concert outfit was $30 (I double-checked afterwards) they ended up giving it to me for free.

This meant that I suddenly had $40 unallocated dollars in my YNAB budget, and although I could have done anything in the world with them I chose to spend $11.05 on candy, because the snow was coming down really hard this weekend and I wanted to curl up on the couch and read library books while eating chocolate truffles.

Also, my Huel subscription renewed this weekend, so add another $139.50 for that.

Total spending: $213.50.

How about you?

Photo credit: Marco Verch, CC BY 2.0.

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