Planning for Retirement When There’s an Age Gap in Your Relationship
My husband is 17 years older than I am. When should we plan to retire?
Checking In With My Savings Plan: January 2018 Edition
In January, I received $5,483.51 in freelance earnings and $29.89 in book royalties, or $5,513.40 total.
This Week’s Investing Update
I got an email from TIAA this morning letting me know that my rollover is in progress.
We Should All Plan to Delay Retirement by Six Months
It’s the equivalent of saving an extra percentage point towards retirement… for thirty years.
The Cost of Moving Gran
Six months ago we discovered my grandmother had outlived her savings and could no longer afford to stay in her home.
If Automatic Investing Leads to Higher Auto and Mortgage Debt, Is That Necessarily Bad?
Without the interest rates and the investment returns, it’s difficult to say whether they’ve made the wrong choice.