What Happens When Your Friend Crashes With You During Their Apartment Hunt

Sharing an apartment with someone else is complicated in the best of times, and looking for an apartment is quite possibly the worst of times.

I Have Been Trying to Move to the USA for Over 10 Years

Immigration is so expensive!

A Love Story in Two Cross-Country Moves

I was planning on moving to Seattle. Then I met The Guy.

How We Brought Our Rust Belt Lives to the Big City

Could we make our Buffalo lifestyle work in New York?

Leaving Ukrainian Village

This Chicago neighborhood had been our home for over five years — but we couldn’t afford to buy a house there.

Why We Left Toronto

Imagine this loaf of bread is a house.

The Cost of Moving In Together Over Christmas

When my girlfriend finally got a job in the city, and it finally made sense for her to move out of her parents’ house and in with me, we were both delighted.

The Cost of a Thrift-Store Couch

It was cheap. It was ugly. We thought we could improve it.

A Two-Bedroom Apartment of One’s Own

I just moved to the first apartment where I am the master tenant.

My Bathroom Was My Sanctuary

I didn’t realize just how important this bathroom would be during our move.