Not Buying It: An Update on My Clothing Purchases in 2018
My goals for 2018 were: to buy no clothing for the first three months of the year; to buy fewer clothes and spend less money than in previous years; and to make more ethical purchases.
Keeping Myself Accountable by Writing Down My Clothing Purchases
I’ve been writing down my clothing purchases since 2015.
My First Suit Was a Thousand-Dollar Mistake
No one else’s pants were cuffed or pleated. My $80 tie was too wide.
How Not to Save Money by Making Your Own Clothes
If I learned how to sew my own clothes, I would have an endless supply of perfectly fitting garments, for basically free. Right?
The Cost of Upgrading My Underwear Drawer
How much should a grown woman spend on underwear?
When Health Dictates Fashion
When you have chronic pain, clothing can have a major impact on how you feel.
The Cost to Clothe a Minimalist Family of Five
Over the past year, we have spent just under $400 on kids’ clothes.
Dress for the Job You Have
This purchase would mark my transition from the casual wardrobes of grad school and summer camp into the sobering reality of the modern American office workplace.
My Girlfriend and I Don’t Share Clothes — or Health and Beauty Products
The other morning, while showering, I glanced around the tub and couldn’t find face wash.