The Cost of Having a Baby in Australia
As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I called to get on the waiting list for the birth center program offered by one of our hospitals.
The Cost of Discovering My Child Is Terrible at Soccer
I could give the highlights of her first season, but there aren’t that many.
A Year of Unpaid Maternity Leave
When I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to take a year off to stay home with the baby.
The Cost of Giving Our Children a Musical Education
We had no idea how much it would cost to provide our own kids with music lessons and instruments, as well as the extra expenses that come with being part of an ensemble.
How to Do Theme Parks With Toddlers
Theme parks aren’t cheap, but there are ways to do them without spending a lot of cash.
The Cost to Clothe a Minimalist Family of Five
Over the past year, we have spent just under $400 on kids’ clothes.
What I Spend on My Child With Special Needs
When my three-year-old son was diagnosed with autism a little over a year ago, I had no idea how our lives would change, let alone how our finances would be affected.
The Unexpected Costs of Breastfeeding
No, breastfeeding isn’t “free.” (It isn’t cheap, either.)
On a Budget? Try the Ultimate Toddler’s Day In
I developed a low-cost toddler’s day in for those times when you’re cash-strapped and the rain is pounding at your window.
Want, Need, Wear, Read: How a Simple Saying Helps Me Keep My Holiday Spending Under Control
I allot around $50–75 to each category, for a total of $200–300 per kid.
The Costs of Surrogacy
The story ends happily—but there are a lot of unexpected costs and complications in between.
A Toddler’s Day Out That Doesn’t Bust the Bank
My son, Sid, is hurtling through toddlerdom at warp speed.
Keeping It Even
My parents were determined to treat my sister and me exactly the same way. Including financially.
Do You Need a Salary’s Worth of Savings Before Having Kids?
And is that even mathematically likely?
The Various Costs of Toddler Transportation
Not long ago, I wrote about the various costs of toddler entertainment—now I’m going to delve into the wonderful world of toddler transportation devices.
The Various Costs of Toddler Entertainment
Recently, I found a portion of stale fries in the ball pit, along with another kind of ablution that I won’t mention.