The First (and Second, and Third) Time I Felt in Control of My Money
I can point to three points in my life when I felt more in control of my money than before.
Has “Financial Independence” Been Downgraded to “Work-Life Balance?”
Like some of y’all, I occasionally do the math on whether I might be able to retire early.
Thoughts on Rounding the $300,000 Portfolio Milestone
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in life and in personal finance, but the one thing I did right was invest in my 401(k) immediately upon starting my first career-building job in 2008.
Why You Should Take “A Relaxing Mid-Career Break”
It’s the old “spread your retirement throughout your life” argument.
In Which I Get My First Chunk of Vanguard Advice
As you might remember, I just became a Vanguard Voyager Client — and yesterday, I had my first conversation with Vanguard Personal Advisor Services.
Investing Update: I’m a Voyager Client!
Also, Vanguard thinks I might already be saving enough for retirement?
An Update on My Investing Project
It’s been nearly half a year since I committed a percentage of my freelance income to buying and holding.