The Cost of Homemade Halloween Costumes

My daughter wanted to be a plague doctor for Halloween.

Throwback Thursday: Which Halloween Candy Is the Most Expensive?

Tootsie Child’s Play Candy Assortment, aka “stop pretending Tootsie Rolls are chocolate, you aren’t fooling anybody:” $8.98 for an unstated number of candies, or 15 cents per ounce.

Why I Wear the Same Halloween Costume Every Year

I was having a hard time fathoming spending money on something as frivolous as a Halloween costume, but I made the trek to a costume store with several friends to see what I could find.

How Much Did You Spend on Halloween Candy This Year?

This post doesn’t go where you think it will.

The Cost of the Halloween Costume I Won’t Be Buying This Year

Here’s a look at the cost of a somewhat last-minute Britney costume.

The Cost of Halloween Decorating

What would Morticia do?

Canadian City Makes it Illegal for Teenagers to Trick-or-Treat

Anyone over 16—and anyone of any age wearing a “facial disguise” after 8 p.m.—will receive a $200 fine.

The Cost of Costumes

The Cost of Making Witches’ Brew

Santa’s Pumpkins