June’s Billfold LLC Update
It’s time for another Billfold LLC update! First, we FINALLY have a bank account. We started the application process on May 2 and it took a literal month to complete, but now we have an account and it is full of money, much of which will get taken out next week to pay The Billfold’s estimated taxes.
On the subject of doing money (see what I did there), I’ve been listening to your feedback and I know you’d like to see more variety in the Doing Money interviews. Right now our Doing Money interviewees are volunteers, and they’re the type of people who can take an hour out of their workday to chat with me online. I’m curious if we might get more variety by turning Doing Money into a pitched freelance series, which would give people the opportunity to write up their money story on their own time and get paid for it.
What do you think? I still have a handful of people in my Doing Money to-be-interviewed queue, and I’m going to make sure they all get a chance to share their stories — but we could also open Doing Money up to pitches, with a note that writers should address what they earn, what they spend, what they save, their biggest successes and mistakes, where they want to be in the next few years, etc.
While I’m discussing pitches, I wanted to let you all know that I ended up running 20 Food Series features ( in addition to the ones you’ve already read, there are three more scheduled for Friday, Monday, and Tuesday) which — as much as I love all of the pieces that we published — feels like it ran a little too long. For our Clothing Series, I’ve set myself a strict limit of no more than 15, which is hard because it means rejecting a lot of good pitches, but I also don’t want y’all to visit the site and think “another clothing piece, again?” I’d love to hear your thoughts on that and whether you think 15 is the right number, or whether you don’t mind 20 pieces on the same topic.
So that’s what I’m thinking about this month, along with our next round of sponsorships and whether I should set up some kind of Summer Patreon Pledge Drive. I don’t really know what that would look like, except maybe sharing some of our classic Billfold posts on social media and reminding people that becoming a patron is one of the best ways to support our work, but if you have ideas, please let me know!
Thanks, as always, for your support. ❤︎
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