The Cost of Falling Out of Love With Public Transportation

In order to arrive on time for work, I had to leave a 45 minute buffer, since trains would often single track, offload unexpectedly, or just sit for ages.

My Last $100: Food and Uber

I am excited to share some of my finances with you.

Living in Cedar Rapids Without a Car

How I’ve been doing, so far.

When Your Gig Economy “Employer” Gets Sued

For the second time as a gig economy worker, I have been notified that I am now a member of a class action lawsuit.

Mr. Money Mustache Tries Driving for Uber and Lyft

He wants to know how much money drivers actually make, after they subtract their costs.

Uber Has a Credit Card Now

Uber just released the Uber Visa Card.

I Couldn’t Make It as an Uber Driver, According to This Game

Does The Uber Game have a winnable scenario?

Uber Drivers Have Earned $50 Million in Tips… But There Are 2 Million Drivers

This is why we do the math.

My Last $100: Too Darn Hot Edition

Making financial decisions based on air conditioning and comfort.

Uber Will Start Charging You What They Think You’re Willing to Pay