Getting Clear on Clearance

It better be a big deal.

Done With Stuff

I just have to spend this $229 and then I will be done buying stuff. I will, finally, have everything I need.

Throwback Thursday: Goodbye, Little Green Couch

The couch was ugly and old and free. Did I want it? Of course I wanted it.

Throwback Thursday: Buy All Your Furniture at Target, For Tomorrow We Die

We own cheap furniture because we sense, consciously or unconsciously, that our situations are temporary.

Not Buying It: An Update on My Clothing Purchases in 2018

My goals for 2018 were: to buy no clothing for the first three months of the year; to buy fewer clothes and spend less money than in previous years; and to make more ethical purchases.

It’s Calendar Time

It’s the beginning of 2019 and you know what that means — new calendars and planners.

My 2019 Resolution: Be Less Thrifty and More Thoughtful

No matter what I do, I always suspect that I could have economized better.

Throwback Thursday: Yes You Can Go a Year Without Buying Clothes! I Did It And So Can You

Don’t give up shopping immediately. It could take you months to prepare for this.

Throwback Thursday: More Than $1K Worth of Clothes I’ll Never Wear Again

Owning my mistakes and ne regretteing rien is kind of my “thing,” but these garments are the exception.

Everything I Spent on Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a weird and wonderful world of everything you never knew you could possibly need.