A Two-Bedroom Apartment of One’s Own

I just moved to the first apartment where I am the master tenant.

The Cost of Going From Roommates to Living on Your Own

I had eight roommates in two years.

What to Do When a Roommate Underpays on the Rent

Or, “how to divide rent costs among six roommates living in differently sized rooms.”

Trading a Friend for a Couch

When friends become roommates.

This Week in Pods

If you don’t have a room of your own, wrap yourself in opaque fabric.

I Want My Roommate to Stay Until I Want Her to Leave

I don’t want to lose the apartment. I do want to be able to afford it without a roommate someday.

How Thor Does Money

The Cost Of Losing A Roommate (And Gaining A Living Room)

SpareRoom Founder Rupert Hunt Is Looking For Roommates — and the Rent Is “Pay What You Can Afford”

On Living Cheaply in Los Angeles, Or Trying To