In Which Lillian Karabaic and I Discuss Money and Control on the Oh My Dollar! Podcast
When did you first feel like you had control over your money?
The Billfold and Oh My Dollar! Are Joining Forces for a Series of Podcast Episodes
And we’re looking for listener-submitted stories!
Talking to Dan Weissmann About His New Healthcare Podcast, An Arm and a Leg
These were people with good incomes and steady jobs, some people with really good health insurance, and all of them had stories that made me go “holy crap!”
Add ‘Opportunity Costs’ to Your Must-Read (or Must-Listen) List
BuzzFeed recently teamed up with Death, Sex & Money to run a series of essays and podcasts under the theme “Opportunity Costs: Money and Class in America.”
A Tuesday Chat About Dogecoin
The Indicator (from Planet Money) team chats with Jackson Palmer, the inventor of Dogecoin.
Maria Bamford Is So Smart About Money
Jesse David Fox interviews Bamford about her University of Minnesota commencement speech and her financial philosophies.