The Cost of Removing a Migrated IUD

There the IUD was, floating free and easy as a butterfly in my abdominal cavity — and most DEFINITELY not safely ensconced in my uterus, protecting me from pregnancy as advertised.

The Cost of a Bipolar 1 Diagnosis

It was during Thanksgiving break of what was supposed to be my final semester of college.

A History of My Healthcare Costs

I mention to a friend that I was dropped by Kaiser. She looks at me and says “What are you doing for insurance?”

My DNA Indicated I Was at Risk for Breast Cancer. Here’s How I Took Control.

Your genetics are not a life sentence; they are your call to action.

What Adult Braces Taught Me About Healthcare and Life

One of the questions I heard most often was “Your teeth are so straight, so why do you need braces?”

Til Colonoscopy Do Us Part

When my husband asked me to marry him, on his knees in the Rubin Museum, I said “Yes, on one condition. Get a colonoscopy. Like, before our wedding.”

Zuckerberg Hospital Doesn’t Want to Be Friends With Local Insurers

Today’s News Roundup will focus on a single story: what’s going on with the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital?

A Friday Chat About Working in the Data/Economics Side of Healthcare

Featuring Billfolders Stina and Ravenclawed!

Happy Vanniversary

Fourteen years ago, I got hit by a van and had to fight for my life.

Talking to Dan Weissmann About His New Healthcare Podcast, An Arm and a Leg

These were people with good incomes and steady jobs, some people with really good health insurance, and all of them had stories that made me go “holy crap!”