The Cost of Removing a Migrated IUD
There the IUD was, floating free and easy as a butterfly in my abdominal cavity — and most DEFINITELY not safely ensconced in my uterus, protecting me from pregnancy as advertised.
The Cost of a Bipolar 1 Diagnosis
It was during Thanksgiving break of what was supposed to be my final semester of college.
A History of My Healthcare Costs
I mention to a friend that I was dropped by Kaiser. She looks at me and says “What are you doing for insurance?”
My DNA Indicated I Was at Risk for Breast Cancer. Here’s How I Took Control.
Your genetics are not a life sentence; they are your call to action.
Til Colonoscopy Do Us Part
When my husband asked me to marry him, on his knees in the Rubin Museum, I said “Yes, on one condition. Get a colonoscopy. Like, before our wedding.”
Buying Safe Passage at the Rendezvous Café
A hospital is a strange land, but if you respect their customs, perhaps your husband will make it out — of course he will come out alive.
Figuring Out My ACA Health Insurance: More Thoughts on SEP IRAs and Subsidies
I did my Open Enrollment! Get yours done before Dec. 15!
The Hidden Costs of Germophobia
I’m hyper-aware of the fact that my fingers touch the elevator button and then accidentally touch my face. Or the fact that I accidentally sit on my bed with the same jeans I’ve worn on the train.
Is Your ACA Premium Going Down This Year?
Mine is! But I’m also losing out-of-network coverage.
The Cost of Getting C. Diff
One day in December, I got mysteriously ill. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say that I was suddenly spending a LOT of time on the toilet.