Estimating My Summer Costs

It’s time to figure out exactly what my summer is going to cost. So far, to recap: I’m going on a long weekend to a family reunion, I’m reading short fiction in Los Angeles and San Diego (tickets here if you want ‘em), and I’m a guest at Intervention 6 in Rockville, Maryland. I’m also planning to see a handful of shows and movies with friends.

What is all of this going to cost me? Here’s my guess.

General summer expenses:

— Lindy Hop classes, summer session: $60

— JoCo Cruise installment payment: $250

Tickets to shows and things:

— Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart: $45.25 (that was a $33.50 ticket plus $12 in fees, seriously)

— Jurassic World, probably in 3D: $15 (estimated)

— Paper Towns, not in 3D: $12 (estimated)

— w00tstock: $51.30

— Hello Kitty Supercute Friendship Festival: $100 (I might not go to this, but think of the articles I could sell…)

— Other assorted shows/events that I’m already planning to attend but grouping together so this list doesn’t get too long: $60


— Family reunion: $100 (I’m traveling with my parents, who are paying most of the travel expenses, but I’d like to throw in for a meal or gas or something)

— Plane ticket, SEA-LAX: $300 (estimated after looking at Hipmunk)

— Hotel room, two nights in San Diego during Comic-Con weekend: $740.26

— Train ticket from San Diego to Los Angeles: $37

— Food, drinks, taxis, etc. for four days in Los Angeles and two days in San Diego: $600 (estimated)

— Plane ticket, SEA-IAD for Intervention: $500 (estimated after looking at Hipmunk)

— Food, drinks, taxis, etc. for five days in Rockville: $400

Total estimated summer costs: $3,270.81

Keep in mind that these numbers are in addition to the everyday cost of living, as well as anything else I might treat myself to this summer (such as a new pair of shoes). They’re also in addition to the “we just saw Jurassic World, let’s go get nachos” decisions that will inevitably happen.

We should also keep in mind that this is how I expect June, July, and August to turn out, financially:

— Gross earnings for three months: $15,000 ($5,000 per month)

— 20 percent for taxes: $3,000

— 20 percent for debt: $3,000

— 10 percent for savings: $1,500

— Left over: $7,500

— Minus living expenses of $1,500/mo for three months: $3,000

So there you go. The first day of summer isn’t for another week and a half and I’ve already got a place for every discretionary dollar I plan to earn.

How about you? I dare you to make this chart for your own summer. It’s invigorating, like a fresh breath of ocean air with a little sand mixed in!

This story is part of our Travel Month series.

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