When You Think You’ll Never Be Free of Student Loan Debt
The Washington Post profiles a 31-year-old woman who owes $9,000 more on her student loans than she did when she graduated — even though she’s been making steady payments.
Would You Rather Have Gifts or a Student Loan Payment?
The majority of people surveyed picked the student loan payment.
When You Think You’re Eligible for Student Loan Forgiveness
…and then discover that you aren’t.
Settling for a Good Enough College
My parents had high expectations for my education, including the expectation that I would graduate with as little debt as possible.
How I Paid for College
I’m a first-generation student from a low-income family. Here’s what my first year costs and how I’m paying for it.
How Working Two Jobs Helped Me Pay Off $14K in Debt
Nothing felt better than making that final payment.
I Paid Off My Husband’s Student Loans
“You know,” I said casually one day, “it would make more sense for me to pay those off than for you to keep paying 7 percent interest on them.”
Five Years of Payments Under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
Ten years and 120 payments sounded daunting, but now that I’m halfway there, I can almost see the top of the hill.
Does Your Alma Mater Influence Your Lifetime Earnings?
Yes, although many of us were told that it “doesn’t matter” where we go to college, that we can get “just as far” as someone from one of those prestigious schools, this might not actually be the case.