Two Articles and Two Podcasts About Stores That Are Going or Recently Went Bankrupt
No good retailer is gone forever.
When Your Clothing Has to Represent the Brand
I worked at the clothing store Express for the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009.
A Clothing Return Roundtable
I asked a group of friends about their outlook on returns and how return policies affected their shopping habits.
Be True to Your Store
Was weighing down my wallet with rewards cards saving me money?
How Much Should Furniture Cost?
Curbed looks into why furniture is so expensive AND so poorly made.
Are Workplaces Destroying Leisure By Keeping Us Out of Shopping Centers?
I have so many thoughts on this, starting with “shopping is also work.”
Hot Boredom, or Why Trying to Save Money Sometimes Causes Me to Spend More
Buying something because you’re tired of asking yourself whether you should buy it.