The Cost of Not Canceling Our Vacation
En route to the airport on an icy black January morning, our daughter threw up in her car seat. Uh oh. Then she puked a second time. Oh no.
The Time We Almost Became Travel Hackers
The answer to all my problems came to me during a 3 a.m. feeding: we would become travel hackers.
Squeezed: A Billfold Book Review
Thanks to all of you who recommended I read Alissa Quart’s new book.
When Parental Leave Policies Are Subsidized by Donated PTO
This isn’t exactly new, of course; people have been donating PTO to coworkers for years. But now that it’s trendy, coworkers might feel pressured to contribute their vacation days.
How to Do Theme Parks With Toddlers
Theme parks aren’t cheap, but there are ways to do them without spending a lot of cash.
My Family Clothing Budget: The Good, the Bad, and the Big
In our house there is a 12-year-old girl, a 16-year-old boy, my husband, and me.
Parents Are Taking On More Student Debt, Too
We don’t always consider the effect student debt has on a student’s parents.
The Cost to Clothe a Minimalist Family of Five
Over the past year, we have spent just under $400 on kids’ clothes.
What I Spend on My Child With Special Needs
When my three-year-old son was diagnosed with autism a little over a year ago, I had no idea how our lives would change, let alone how our finances would be affected.
How a Military Mom with Twins on the Way Does Money
Liz (not her real name) is a 30-year-old mother of two (5 and 7) whose spouse is in the Navy.