The Unexpected Costs of Having a Baby Two Weeks Overdue
Our tiny daughter was due to be born on December 4, 2017. She arrived on December 18th — exactly two weeks late, after 42 weeks of being pregnant.
When Your Health Insurer Doesn’t Think It Was an Emergency
Some insurers are charging people for “non-emergency” ER visits — or denying claims in full.
Paying for My Wisdom Tooth Extraction with an HSA
Healthcare is expensive, but the HSA made it feel “free.”
I Got My Health Insurance Subsidy
I went back to and updated my income information.
I Got My Bronze Health Insurance Premiums Down to $6,581.52
Thanks to advice from the Oh My Dollar! podcast.
My Bronze Health Insurance Premiums Will Cost $6,967.20 in 2018
That’s $580.60 per month.
The Cost of Losing My Hair
I had never expected to lose my hair, and certainly not at 23.
The Cost of Moving: Changing My Affordable Care Act Insurance
For some reason I thought this process would be easy.
The Cost of Moving: Healthcare
I’m going to be applying for two different ACA plans in the next month.