The Cost of Discovering My Child Is Terrible at Soccer
I could give the highlights of her first season, but there aren’t that many.
The Cost of Becoming a Soccer Mom
My 10-year-old is now in his second year on a competitive travel soccer team.
The Cost of Jumping Into Jujitsu
Twice a week I put on my gi and belt, and grab my notebook and weapons, and head to the dojo.
Paying Out at the Ballgame
Usually, I don’t make last-minute travel plans because I don’t want to incur the extra cost.
The Cost of Competing in a Powerlifting Meet
First off is joining a federation of your choice. I picked the USAPL due to the fact that it is drug-free.
Patricia Bright the Baller
Why my cousin chose to play professional basketball overseas instead of in the WNBA.