The Cost of Discovering My Child Is Terrible at Soccer

I could give the highlights of her first season, but there aren’t that many.

The Cost of Becoming a Soccer Mom

My 10-year-old is now in his second year on a competitive travel soccer team.

The Cost of Jumping Into Jujitsu

Twice a week I put on my gi and belt, and grab my notebook and weapons, and head to the dojo.

Paying Out at the Ballgame

Usually, I don’t make last-minute travel plans because I don’t want to incur the extra cost.

The Cost of Competing in a Powerlifting Meet

First off is joining a federation of your choice. I picked the USAPL due to the fact that it is drug-free.

The Cost of Getting Into Lifting

Earlier this month I hinted that I was planning to spend a lot of money in April.

Patricia Bright the Baller

Why my cousin chose to play professional basketball overseas instead of in the WNBA.

The Cost of Taking Up Roller Derby

The Cost of Getting a Free Jeremy Lin Bobblehead at a Basketball Game

The Day I Bought My First Vacuum