The Cost of Fixing Something When It Breaks
The look of despair as he stared at the bull immediately showed how important it was to him.
Talking to Vicki Robin About the New Edition of ‘Your Money or Your Life’
The very first thing I did was gush about how much her book had changed my life.
You Can’t Just Stop Using Money
You don’t get to opt out of money by borrowing items that other people have purchased with money.
5 Lessons From an Eldercare Emergency
My family and I thought my 87-year-old grandmother’s finances were in great shape and ready for anything. We were wrong.
Advocating for Uncertainty
Don’t seek it out, but remember that everything could change and you should certainly have a backup plan in case it does.
Why My Plan to Move to Los Angeles Failed
Let’s talk first about what went wrong. The short answer is everything. The long answer is, well, long.
The Summer I Became a Teenager Again
I needed cash, so I got a job at a movie theater.
I Thought I Wanted to Form an Investment Club. (I Don’t.)
I run with friends, I hike with friends, and I only like to cook when there are other people helping in the kitchen. An investment club would be the same thing, right?