Do You Want to Discuss Yesterday’s Supreme Court Decision?

I don’t know about you, but I was not pleased with yesterday’s Supreme Court decision regarding workers’ rights to class action lawsuits.

Single People Need to Make Sure Loved Ones Can Access Their Finances, Too

In case of emergency.

New Hampshire Lottery Winner Gets to Remain Anonymous

But her location can be publicly released.

The Cost of a New Last Name

When my husband and I got married, we decided to create a new last name together.

Jurors Decide to Pay a Convicted Woman’s Fine

They found a 19-year-old woman guilty of felony grand larceny, and then agreed to help her.

Canadian City Makes it Illegal for Teenagers to Trick-or-Treat

Anyone over 16—and anyone of any age wearing a “facial disguise” after 8 p.m.—will receive a $200 fine.

Two Stories About Low Wages

And why they’re likely to stay low.