How a Public Service Employee in a Major Canadian City Does Money

Kassidy (not her real name) is a public service employee and former lawyer in her early 30s in a big city in Canada.

I’m a Lawyer Who Works Retail to Make Ends Meet

I went to law school in the worst possible year to go to law school.

Jurors Decide to Pay a Convicted Woman’s Fine

They found a 19-year-old woman guilty of felony grand larceny, and then agreed to help her.

Every Job I’ve Ever Had: Scopist, Immigration Law Clerk, Civil Rights Attorney

As a scopist, I was responsible for listening to the recording that a stenographer had transcribed and making sure that the final transcript was accurate word-for-word to the recording.

Courts Are Forgiving Student Loans if Lenders Can’t Come Up With the Paperwork

PSA: NYC’s ‘Freelance Isn’t Free’ Act Goes into Effect Today

If I Rollover My 403(b) Into an IRA, Does That Mean I Lose Protection From Lawsuits?

Whittier Law School Is Closing

The Cost of Sharing a Name and a Birthday With a Stranger

Wells Fargo Will Pay $110 Million Class Action Lawsuit