I Knew My Relationship Was Doomed When My Boyfriend Revealed He Didn’t Know How Credit Works
“Yeah, I just leave a little unpaid every month. That’s a good way to increase your credit.”
How Much Can You Really Save With Credit Card Rewards?
I’ve already earned enough miles for a free flight!
I Guess We Should Discuss the Equifax Thing
There is so much speculation going on right now—and a lot of conflicting advice.
American Express Launches “Pay It Plan It,” an Interest-Free Installment Plan for Cardholders
It’s interest-free, but there’s a fee.
What It’s Like to Apartment-Hunt With a Boyfriend Who Has No Credit Score
Sure enough, a few days later the agent who was processing our application sent us a puzzled email: how could a gainfully employed 27-year-old possibly be missing from every single credit database?