How a Professional Santa Does Money

I talked to Bernard about how he manages the stresses of Santa work, his seasonal goals, and how the dry cleaning expenses add up.

How a Project Manager in Huntsville Does Money

Beth (not her real name) is a 28-year-old working as a project manager in Huntsville, Alabama.

How a Person With a Car-Related Financial Quandary Does Money

Elizabeth (not her real name) is a 30-year-old education professional in Philadelphia.

How a Freelance Designer in Peoria Does Money

Amy (not her real name) is a 30-year-old freelance designer in Peoria, Illinois.

How a Government Employee in Minneapolis Does Money

Jane (not her real name) is a 32-year-old government employee in Minneapolis.

How an Assistant Professor in Memphis Does Money

Melissa is a 35-year-old assistant professor in Memphis.

How a Communications Professional in the Bay Area Does Money

Nancy (not her real name) is a 29-year-old communications professional in the Bay Area.

How a Barista With a $10K Windfall Does Money

Kim (not her real name) is a 27-year-old barista in Rochester, New York.

How a Consultant in the UAE Does Money

Brian (not his real name) is a 31-year-old organizational development professional.

How a Dave Ramsey Fan in San Francisco Does Money

Liz is a 32-year-old fundraising professional in San Francisco.

How a Couple Merging Finances Does Money, Two Years Later

Jennifer is a 31-year-old data professional in Washington, DC. We previously interviewed Jennifer about her finances in 2015.

How a Former Software Tester Does Money

Kathy is a 55-year-old former software tester in Los Angeles.

How a Goal-Oriented Saver in Lansing Does Money

Celia (not her real name) is a 30-year-old nonprofit director in Lansing, Michigan.

How Lillian Karabaic Does Money

Chatting with the CEO of Oh My Dollar!

How a Copywriter Who Loves YNAB Does Money

How a Couple Merging Finances Does Money

Jennifer is a 29-year-old NGO program director who lives in Washington D.C.