Call for Pitches: Experiences

It’s time for another Billfold call for pitches, and this time the theme is EXPERIENCES.

I deliberately kept this theme broad because when I asked you what you’d like to see covered on The Billfold, I saw a lot of requests for hobby spending, entertainment spending, vacation spending, etc.

So I’m piling ’em all together into EXPERIENCES. (Yes, I’m counting Netflix subscriptions and yarn buying and the time a podcast convinced you to sign up for Audible as experience-related spending. Movies/knitting/podcasts are all part of what we choose to experience in our spare time, after all.)

As always, keep your pitches focused on personal stories; I’m not looking for “ten tips to help you save on your next vacation!”

Send your pitches to The pitch deadline is August 9. We pay $40 per piece and can accept roughly 15 pieces.

I’m also looking for people who want to share how much they spent on groceries in August, what they bought, and whether tracking their grocery spending inspired them to change anything about the way they buy/meal prep/eat — so send those pitches to as well.

I look forward to reading your pitches!

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