Tuesday Check-In

Happy Tuesday! We’re back from the long weekend. Let’s check-in. Numbers below were for my share.

My pals picked me up early Saturday morning and we drove upstate, stopping for sandwiches and iced tea ($15.69) and at a farmers market for peaches because one of us had planned to bake a peach galette for dessert. We arrived at the estate where our cottage was located, settled in, and then picked up some beer ($16.25) and groceries for the weekend ($34). After we stocked our refrigerator, we walked down to the pool on the estate, which overlooked the Hudson river, and we put on Carole King and swam and drank cold beers. We started the grill while the sun set, and put together burgers and grilled peppers and made s’mores before retiring for the night.

In the morning we brewed coffee and ate buttermilk pancakes with bacon and syrup, and then walked around the estate before deciding to visit an animal rescue ($12 donation), and stop into a town for a lunch of fish tacos ($13.50), and then picked up a few bottles of wine for dinner ($12). We returned to our cottage to throw on our swimsuits for another round of swimming, and then showered and changed before heading out towards the river with a bottle of wine to watch the sunset. We grilled hot dogs, and looked up at the stars and tried to figure out which were constellations, and watched a horror movie and ate the peach galette with whipped cream. My pals covertly dropped change and an old key through the vents in the ceiling to convince me that our cottage was haunted. We said our goodnights, had breakfast in the morning, packed, and headed back to the city.

I had estimated a few hundred for the long weekend, and spent $421.44, including my share for the cottage and car rental. We all had an amazing time, and the idea of being haunted by ghosts, I suppose, is priceless.

How about you? How were your long weekends?

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