The Unexpected Costs of Leaving

I had planned for the cost of renting a moving van and so on, but the “goodbye Ann Arbor” expenses added up quickly.

How I Doubled My Income With Two Years of Grad School

MBA programs are only two years long (or less), and they’re designed to place you straight into a job after completion.

The Cost of Moving to Providence for Grad School

On August 4, 2017, I said “deuces” to my six-figure salary, clambered into the driver’s seat of a rented U-Haul, and drove my stuff to Providence, Rhode Island to start a PhD program.

Dear Businesslady: What Am I Even Doing With My Life?

Advice on job applications and figuring out your next move.

The Cost of Applying to Grad School

It’ll take me three months to save up the application fees.

Is Grad School a Job?

The Grad School Debt Problem

How and Why I Went to Grad School

How a Researcher Preparing to Move to the Midwest Does Money

Scraping a Living at a Crêpes Restaurant