The Cost of Eating a Multicultural Diet in Seattle

In my household, we shop in different stores for different items.

August Grocery Spending: How Do I Avoid Making So Many Trips to the Supermarket?

My grocery-shopping concern is about the time I spend at the store, not the money.  

Tracking Abundance in Our Grocery Budget

I’ve started tracking these freebies in my budget, creating a line-item for everything we receive that costs $0 — and it’s helping me change the way I think about my budget overall.

Tallying Up My August Grocery Spending

First, let’s go over what I eat in a day.

Our Average Grocery Spending and What We Hope to Change

Is it possible to save enough on the monthly grocery bill to make a real, long-term difference to the rest of our finances?

It’s Olive Garden’s Never Ending Pasta Pass Day!

Who’s going to try to sign up?

Throwback Thursday: Middle Class Snack Kids

“Middle Class Snack Kid” is a term I made up for people who do not spend a lot on themselves on the whole, but are running themselves into the ground buying food and drink.

What’s the Difference Between Necessity and “Self-Care?”

At Man Repeller, Callie Ahlgrim has an essay titled “Uh Oh: I Spent Almost $600 on “Self-Care” in June.”

My SNAP Story

I am a middle-aged white woman living in Washington, D.C. I’m a college-educated writer who edits on the side. I have a cat.

Weekly Themed Dinners Saved Our Grocery Budget

We don’t have Taco Tuesday, but we do have Breakfast-for-Dinner Wednesday.