Why I Became a Barre Instructor — and Why I Quit

If you’re considering fitness as a side hustle (or full-time career), here’s my advice.

When Your Boss Makes You Exercise

One CEO is hoping his employees’ noob gains will carry over into their productivity.

The Cost of Moving On: How I Justified My $100 Gym Membership

It was the nicest adult daycare I could possibly check myself into.

The Cost of Lifting

Instead of walking back into the past, I walked into CrossFit.

The Cost of Being a Bad Runner

A story of half marathons.

Expensive Gyms Are Maybe Worth It

If You Want to Spend $25K Per Year to “Look Younger,” That’s Fine

Taking a Pass

Luxury Gyms: The Unexpected Place I Found Home

How CrossFit Helped Me Change My Body And My Mind