The Latest on Women in the Workplace!!

All the news, metabolized

“What’s that? Donald Trump’s sons are talking? I guess we should listen!”

Here are the latest hot takes on women in the workplace. I blew on them first to cool them down.

  1. Don’t worry, if you’re “a strong, powerful woman,” sexual harassment won’t happen to you. And thank goodness, because if it did, you’d have to change jobs (!) or careers (!!) or something.

Gretchen Carlson, the conservative TV anchor whose harassment suit helped topple Roger Aisles, the American business equivalent of Saddam Hussein, or at least his statue, is not having it.

2. Women don’t get senior roles in fields like advertising because they don’t want senior roles, why would they, ambition is a turn off.

[Kevin] Roberts, who is also head coach at Publicis, parent company of Saatchi & Saatchi and BBH, told Business Insider last week that he spent “no time” on gender equality and many women did not want to take on senior management roles because, like some men, they were happier doing work on lower rungs of the ladder.

He also commented on Gallop’s campaigning for gender equality, saying she was “making up a lot of the stuff to create a profile, and to take applause, and to get on a soap[box]”. Gallop said the suggestion that many women were happy not to rise to the highest levels was “absolute fucking bollocks”.

Kevin Roberts is currently suspended.

Also, in case you weren’t 100% clear on this, advertising is an open sewer:

Citing recent allegations against Gustavo Martinez, the chief executive of the agency JWT, who is said to have called black people “monkeys”, said he “hate[s] those fucking Jews” and told a female employee that he wanted to rape her in the bathroom, Gallop said the industry repeatedly treated cases as one-offs.

3. Women working for the Federal government weren’t allowed to wear pants to the office until 1973, and they only got the right to because the White House was too cheap to turn up the heat.

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