ACA, IRA, 401(K): Got a Burning Question? Ask Us!
The year’s end is drawing nigh. I thought it would be fun, before 2014 stutters to a halt and collapses in an undignified heap like I would after a 5K, to compile a list of answers to any lingering finance questions that came up for folks this year. Specifically, let us know if you have questions about:
+ your IRA
+ your 401(K)
+ or the ACA (aka Obamacare)
We will answer them before Dec 30! If we can. Depending on interest, maybe we’ll compile a FAQ.
So, yeah, let us have it, either in the comments section or by email (ester at thebillfold dot com). Send us any question no matter how abstruse or “dumb,” since if you’re struggling with it, odds are other readers are too. We’ll make every attempt to send you off into 2015 enlightened and energized, able to pursue those finance-related New Year’s Resolutions with confidence.
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