The Big Artistic Experiments That Haven’t Yet Earned Back Their Cost

My Adventures With the Accountants of Germany

PSA: NYC’s ‘Freelance Isn’t Free’ Act Goes into Effect Today

Will Moving to Los Angeles Change My Life?

The city feels like the home I always wanted—but my dream comes at a cost.

Talking to Adventure Cartoonist Lucy Bellwood About Income Tracking

On work, transparency, and value.

What If I Paid for My Business Expenses With My Savings?

Let’s think this through.

The Awful Rowing Toward Quarterly Taxes, or Why I’d Rather Pay Yearly

Travel for Work Was My Biggest Expense Last Year

Turns out, excuses can cost you.

Everything I Paid in Taxes

Because why not be transparent about how much tax we’re paying?

Checking In With My Savings Plan: March 2017 Edition