Throwback Thursday: Yes You Can Go a Year Without Buying Clothes! I Did It And So Can You
Don’t give up shopping immediately. It could take you months to prepare for this.
My Family Clothing Budget: The Good, the Bad, and the Big
In our house there is a 12-year-old girl, a 16-year-old boy, my husband, and me.
What’s the Difference Between Necessity and “Self-Care?”
At Man Repeller, Callie Ahlgrim has an essay titled “Uh Oh: I Spent Almost $600 on “Self-Care” in June.”
How Self-Tracking Helped Me Conquer My Bad Shopping Habits
When the bar in my closet collapsed under the weight of all my clothes, I knew I had to do something.
Guess Who’s Having Another Sale?
I promise I won’t run this experiment every time Old Navy has a sale.
In Which I Discover Exactly How Much I’m “Saving” On Old Navy Promotions
I Got Rid of 24 Shirts This Weekend
I threw away a lot of stuff during this weekend’s fall cleaning project, and I put even more stuff into “to-donate” boxes.
I Only Buy Six Items of Clothing per Season
I do stretch this rule quite a bit—workout clothes don’t count, a tote bag doesn’t count, the like-new Danskos I found at Crossroads ($22.50) didn’t count because, I don’t know, they’re waterproof? Maybe shoes shouldn’t count, period.
Throwback Thursday: More Than $1K Worth of Clothes I’ll Never Wear Again
Owning my mistakes and ne regretteing rien is kind of my “thing,” but these garments are the exception.