An Apple GiveBack Update

So I wanted to tell you all how my Apple GiveBack laptop trade-in went, because it turned out to be a MODERATELY FRUSTRATING PROCESS!

Add “Replace iPhone Battery” to Your To-Do List

After admitting that it slows down phones as their batteries age, Apple is offering new batteries for only $29.

Do I Have to Set Up Apple Pay?

I know that I am about a week late to Apple Pay Cash, mostly because I hoped that I could ignore it forever.

The Machines Are Coming For Us

A Friday Chat About the Surveillance State

The Cost of Repairing My MacBook Air

One week before my three-year AppleCare Protection Plan expires.

Why You Should Care That BlackBerry Has Stopped Making Phones

This Week In Pods

Why We Can Never Get Ahead Financially

Why You Should (Still) Care About Apple Owing Ireland $14.5 Billion