Illustrated Guides to Succeeding in Business
I’m feeling under the weather this morning, which is a very odd expression, now that I stop to think about it, and not up to much more than wondering, “Why can’t we take sick days when we’re well enough to enjoy them?” Perhaps it is a good time to share two fun illustrated guides I’ve found recently that will help you to experience workplace success.
The first is less funny and more useful, specifically for women but kinda for everyone: 7 Ways to Combat Manterrupting, done through comics. Here’s the original prose version of the guide, which appeared in Time magazine:
Sandberg and Grant cite research showing that powerful male Senators speak significantly more than their junior colleagues, while female Senators do not. That male executives who speak more often than their peers are deemed more competent (by 10%), while female executives who speak up are considered less (14% less). The data follows a long line of research showing that when it comes to the workplace, women speak less, are interrupted more, and have their ideas more harshly scrutinized.
Ugh, grim, right? But if you look at it from a solution-oriented POV and done up in fun fonts and colors, the distasteful truth becomes easier to swallow.
Then, for more gender-neutral fun, here is a list of 10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings.
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