Hey, Wait, I’ve Got a New Complaint

I am, perhaps to my own detriment, a person who doesn’t complain very often. The service isn’t so great at a restaurant? Maybe the server is having a bad night — I’ll still leave a decent tip. The customer service line put me on hold and then hung up on me? Whatever, I’ll just call again. The inflight entertainment system isn’t working on my cross-country flight? Oh well, I’ll just read this book I brought instead.

This last one came up in conversation at a party recently and someone said, “Wait, you didn’t say anything?”

“I asked the flight attendant if he could reset my screen and he told me he couldn’t,” I said.

“And then?”

“And then I read some articles I had saved on my phone and cracked open a book.”

“You should have asked for a voucher.”

“Well, it’s been over two weeks now.”

“Just send them an email.”

The next day, I sent an email to JetBlue. I did not ask for a voucher. I simply wrote that I had flown with them recently and that my screen wasn’t working during my fight. Then, last night, I received the following email:


Thanks for contacting JetBlue. We’re sorry to hear that you were unable to enjoy our inflight entertainment.

As a gesture of apology, a $15 service credit will be issued within 48 hours in accordance with our Bill of Rights. JetBlue credits are valid for one year from the original date of issuance, and information on using your credit has been sent to the email address associated with your Travel Bank account. If you have any questions about Travel Bank, please visit our website for helpful information about how to use and manage credits.

Kind regards,

Customer Commitment
JetBlue Airways

A $15 credit for taking two minutes to send an email? I’ll take it!

Anyone else have a story to share about complaining nicely and receiving recompense in return?

Photo: Michael Galpert

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