Introducing, Ester

Some news! Ester Bloom, who has guest-edited here before and has been contributing on a weekly basis will be joining our staff this week as a part-time contributing editor. Ester will take on some of my daily blogging duties, while I step back to work on a few other things, including long-term features, and some administrative things that I put off during the week and end up having to take care of on the weekend.
I have known Ester for many years, and she has appeared in some of the pieces I’ve written here (i.e. in this story, the person I named “Elisabeth” was actually Ester; also, here’s a photo of me holding Ester’s baby).
I asked Ester to introduce herself.

Hello! My name is Ester Bloom, and you may remember me from such features as “What To Expect When You’re Expecting to Live in New York City” and “Are We Really Afraid of Ending Up Bag Ladies?” I also write a lot for our friends at the Hairpin and have been known to appear at Slate, Salon, Flavorwire, Vulture, the Toast, or wherever books are sold.
Financially, I’m more of a Mike than a Logan, but (true confession!) I am scared of money anyway. My instinct is to sock it away before looking at it makes me sweat and worry that I’m going to do something wrong. Here’s hoping that you fabulous community of commenters will help me ease into being more calm & also more well-informed.
Thanks, Mike and Meaghan. And thanks for bearing with me everyone when/if I make my first mistakes. Happy and excited to get started!
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