What’s the Difference Between Necessity and “Self-Care?”

At Man Repeller, Callie Ahlgrim has an essay titled “Uh Oh: I Spent Almost $600 on “Self-Care” in June.”

The Cost of Moving On: How I Justified My $100 Gym Membership

It was the nicest adult daycare I could possibly check myself into.

Luxury Skincare: An Aspirational Goal That My Broke Self Indulges In

In Praise of Walking As (Affordable) Self-Care

The Cost of Making Summer Veggie Explosion Casserole

A Laurie Penny For Your Thoughts

Treat Yourself?: A Friday Chat

Do I Deny Myself More Often Than I Treat Myself? Let’s Look at the Data

What Would You Buy on a Weekly $6 Date?

Why We Need Enforced Constraints