My Last Hundred Bucks: Things to Drink, Things to Eat, And Things to Wear on My Feet
by Lauren Kelly
What happened to your last hundo, Lauren Kelley?
$21: Three Six Point IPAs plus tip at Abilene in Carroll Gardens. I announced to my friends that I had never gone to Abilene without running into someone I know. I did not run into anyone I know.
$3: Egg, cheese, lettuce, and tomato on a poppy seed bagel from the good bodega by my apartment. Everyone in New York has a good bodega and a bad bodega right? Like, there’s the one with the good sandwiches where the guy behind the counter cracks jokes and gives kids candy, and then the one that smells like mustard and you’re pretty sure is a mafia front?
$10.88: Bottle of white wine. Because wine.
$11.50: An onion, a head of garlic, two zucchini, two ears of corn, a giant heirloom tomato (a striped something-something?), two peaches, and a bunch of parsley at the downtown Brooklyn greenmarket. Partial ingredients for an evening picnic at Brooklyn Bridge Park.
$40.48: Epic Goodwill trip: a pair of Frye boots (FRYE BOOTS), a jacket, a sundress, a black top, and two scarves.
$14.39: This stupid expensive dental floss that I have to buy because I have a permanent retainer and some vitamins at Duane Reade.
TOTAL: $101.25
Lauren Kelley is an editor at AlterNet and a freelance journalist. She’s taller than you.
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